Saturday, 27 September 2008

Music Career To Do List

1. Form an indiepop band called The Post-It Notes

2. For a rockabilly covers band called The Southside Wolf-knuckles based in North London

3. Start a blog reviewing every gig I've been to in order, starting with Cast + Longpigs at the Boardwalk

4. Get my favourite local musos to produce my solo EP MANC_ILL_KID - THE MAN, so each producer produces the same songs, and then lots of different EPs that all sound a little different, come out on various small record labels in limited edition.

5. Do the bedroom-based video webcast thing again, called it "Lose Yourself in London"

6. Write band list for my own tribute night in case of untimely death (Plimps, Sunch, Hibb, Pocketbooks, Hawkeye and the Juggarnaut, The Might Ob')

7. Record Top of the Pop-style video webcast thing recording guerilla-style at gigs (need to sort out audio recording levels)

8. Form a band called Imperial Diamond and Rare Metal Importers Ltd.

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