Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Chris's secret war on rights #3

As you know, I have issues with people having 'rights', here's me ranting about it a few months back.

Anyhoo, here's a wonderful story from the Telegraph, I think it was bouncing about the blogs yesterday, about how Telford Council are going to question everyone who goes into parks without a child as a suspected paedo.

What really gets me is the wee statement at the end to calm things down.
Ron Odunayia, Director of Community Services, said; "Let's put this whole issue into common sense context. We are not talking about a blanket policy covering everybody who enjoys our Town Park.

"However, and this is the crucial part, if someone is acting in a suspicious manner or acting in an inappropriate way then, of course, our staff reserve the right to ask questions. "

Its a right is it?

Council staff have the right ask questions?
Who else has this right?
Who doesn't have this right?
Why not?

Its not really a right is it?

Its more of a self-evident thing that people can do, if they want.

1 comment:

  1. I think reserving a right to question is one thing, but actually having the power to elicit answers is worse. After all, who are we if we can't question the status quo? Or at least that shifty bloke in the dirty raincoat?

    And this was in the Telegraph?
