Thursday, 11 September 2008

Database and server admin #3

Right, so I've started a new table for component properties, where at the moment there are three columns, PARTNO, TYPE, PACKAGESIZE.

Where the PARTNO exactly maps the parts list, one to one. The part TYPE falls into three categories, S, T, and M as shown in the Venn diagram below.

(the just joking subgroups being things like solder blobs instead of zero ohm links and bare wire links respectively - they aren't discrete components)

PACKAGESIZE is kind of more complicated, and I'm not sure what the best way to do it is. For surface mount, everything comes on reels or tubes, in fact some parts can come in reels and tubes. Aw man, sometimes even comes in cut tape or individual bags. It varies. So its a description of the part, 0805, 1206 for caps and resistors, and then SOIC8 or SOT-23 and so on for the ICs. For through-hole parts sometimes they come bagged, sometimes in ammo boxes, and sometimes in reels. But again, its inconsistent, so instead PACKAGESIZE is left blank, I dunno, maybe it could be if the part is axial or radial, but I dunno if that's any use to anyone.

For reeled and cut tape surface mount parts, when we kit them, we need to give about 200mm extra everytime, regardless of kitting quantity. For bagged through hole parts 2% extra should be okay, but what about reeled through hole?

And should I build this into my kitting SQL query? That depending on package size, you need a different quantity?

I know nothing about forms, so every time I want a kitting report, I build it from scratch, going 10% over the required quantity.

Needs to be a bit more sophisticated.

And linked tables, I don't even know if they're possible in OpenOffice Base, but it would makemy life so much easier and save having to spend time every day cross-checking different tables. But every time I search google, there's nothing of any use. Bah.

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