Monday, 11 May 2009

Rise of LPUK

This is neat, the Libertarian Party UK has its first electiony candidatey thing coming up
As part of the Cambridge County Council Elections.

Wisbech South Division

Andrew Peter Hunt - Libertarian Party
Simon John Edward King - Conservative
Mark David Plumb - Labour
Verity Jade Colbert Roscoe - Liberal Democrat
William Schooling - UK Independence Party

So if you are in the Cambridge area, and would like to offer Andrew your help and support on the ground, I am sure he will be most grateful, his contact details can be found on his blog HERE.
I am a big fan of LPUK, a supporter in fact. I'm not sure if I can join them right now so I'll just have to vote for them instead, if I have the opportunity.

There's a wee bit of controversy over the local newspaper in relevant area, the Wisbech Standard, not giving the LPUK candidate much coverage, the LPUK blog covers it here, and the candidate himself, Andrew Peter Hunt, covers it here.

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