Thursday, 7 May 2009

Ranking Libertarians

Elsewhere on the internet Brian Micklethwait has done a second version of his list of UK libertarian blogs. Me, without paid employment, my life is empty and meaningless, which gives me plenty of time for spreadsheets and internetting. So, here's the updated list, ranked by number of blog reactions according to technorati:-
1. Guido Fawke's Blog (7257 reactions link)
2. Samizdata (3352 reactions link)
3. Devils Kitchen (2198 reactions link)
4. Burning Our Money (2083 reactions link)
5. Daniel Hannan (1672 reactions link)
6. Adam Smith Institute (1400 reactions link)
7. UK Bubble (1261 reactions link)
8. Old Holborn (1065 reactions)
9. Craig Murray (948 reactions)
10. An Englishman's Castle (877 reactions link)
11. Tim Worstall (794 reactions)
12. PJC Journal (732 reactions link)
13. Obnoxia The Clown (689 reactions)
14. Mark Wadsworth (636 reactions)
15. Capitalists@Work (545 reactions link)
16. UK Libertarian Party (529 reactions)
17. Bishop Hill (386 reactions link)
18. Ambush Predator ( 385 reactions link)
19. Libertarian Alliance: Blog (334 reactions)
20. The Last Ditch (333 reactions)
21. Little Man What Now ( 326 reactions)
22. Looking for a voice ( 320 reactions)
23. Douglas Carswell ( 314 reactions)
24. Freeborn John ( 291 reactions)
25. Underdogs Bite Upwards (280 reactions link)
26. Lander Underclass (269 reactions)
27. A Very British Dude ( 268 reactions link)
28. Longrider ( 264 reactions link)
29. Huntsman ( 257 reactions link)
30. Brian Micklethwait ( 250 reactions link)
31. IEA blog ( 210 reactions link)
32. Appalling Strangeness ( 182 reactions)
33. Counting Cats in Zanzibar ( 168 reactions link)
34. UK Liberty ( 153 reactions link)
35. Henry North London (144 reactions)
36. ( 143 reactions link)
37. Freedom and Whisky ( 134 reactions)
38. Sinclairs Musings ( 124 reactions)
39. Anglo Saxon Chronicle ( 109 reactions link)
40. Taking Liberties ( 98 reactions link)
41. John Trenchard ( 94 reactions link)
42. The Welfare State We're In (89 reactions)
43. Blognor Regis ( 80 reactions link)
44. Liberty Alone ( 79 reactions)
45. Dick Puddlecote ( 76 reactions link)
46. Neuearbeit Macht Frei ( 75 reactions link)
47. Womble on Tour ( 63 reactions link)
48=. From the Barrel of a Gun (52 reactions)
48=. Shades of Grey (52 reactions)
50. Charlotte Gore ( 49 reactions link)
51. Resistance is Useless ( 45 reactions link)
52. Anna Raccoon ( 32 reactions link)
53. Their Contempt for you is Total ( 31 reactions link)
54. ill and ancient ( 30 reactions link)
55. Robs Blog ( 29 reactions)
56=. CrozierVision ( 23 reactions)
56=. Mark's Any Musings ( 23 reactions link)
58=. Woking Libertarians ( 19 reactions link)
58=. No Borders South Wales ( 19 reactions link)
60. Big Brother Britain ( 18 reactions link)
61=. AngloAustria (17 reactions link)
61=. Englands Freedom (17 reactions)
63=. Bella Gerens (16 reactions link)
63=. Edinburgh Sucks (16 reactions link)
63=. Public Interest (16 reactions)
66. Voyage of Discovery (15 reactions link)
67. One that really is most unhappy about this (13 reactions link)
68. South West Libertarians (12 reactions link)
69=. Boateng & Demetriou (11 reactions link)
69=. Ferraris for all (11 reactions link)
70. Libertarian Party South East (10 reactions link)
71=. Craggy Island (8 reactions link)
71=. Picking Losers (8 reactions link)
73. Panem et Circenses (7 reactions link)
74. Paul Lockett (6 reactions link)
75. Jerub-Baal's Spleen Vent (5 reactions link)
76=. A Brief Encounter (4 reactions link)
76=. A Libertarian's Perspective (4 reactions link)
78=. Towards Mutual Benefit (3 reactions link)
78=. Life, Liberty and Proper Tea (3 reactions link)
78=. Mara's Una Musings (3 reactions link)
78=. Marmelade Sandwich (3 reactions link)
78=. North West Libertarians (3 reactions link)
78=. (3 reactions link)
84. Digger (2 reactions link)
85=. Disobeying the Whip (1 reaction link)
85=. Liberty Column (1 reaction link)
85=. Marsh Harrier (1 reaction link)
85=. North Briton (1 reaction link)
89=. Constantly Furious (0 reactions link)
89=. Think This (0 reactions link)
89=. This Observer (0 reactions link)
89=. Obsidian's World (0 reactions link)
The following sites are no longer updated or may have mysteriously moved to some other server and without anyone.
Natalie Solent ( 43 reactions link)
Bag's Rants ( 37 reactions link)
Oxford Libertarian Society (24 reactions)
Michael Jennings (15 reactions)
Caligula's Palace (14 reactions link)
Don't Hold Your Breath (5 reactions link)
Garner blog (3 reactions link)
Sleepwalking Britain (2 reactions link)
Liberal Bob (0 reactions link)
Counting Cats in Zanzibar will be disappointed to learn that he's fallen eleven places since ten days ago, not as disappointed as I am with this blog falling twenty-two places. I guess it'll be fun to try and catch back up.

Also to note is Charlotte Gore's blog, she changed servers recently, if we were counting her old blog, Reluctantly Lib Dem, with 321 reactions (link), she'd be ranked 22nd, but as she said previously, its the price you pay for moving domains. That said, ten days ago technorati had new new site on 31 reactions and now its 50, so she's catching up quick.

I have a pang. Whilst I love spreadsheets and graphs and rankings and stuff, its in my blood, it gives me warm fuzzy feelings, this list is ripping off and stealing Brian Michlethwait's hard work in compiling the list. Sure, I'm adding quality information, and enriching the original list, and I give Brian credit for first publishing the list, but I still have this pang of guilt, that well, its essentially just link bait.

On the other hand, my wee spreadsheet says he's got 250 blog reactions compared to my lowly 30, so its not like I'm any kind of competition.



  1. Ha, very cool again. Thanks. As Mark Wardman would say, you're adding value :D

  2. No 35 Well I must say Im surprised but then I have been at it for 2 plus years and only really jumped on the Libertarian bandwagon in 2008
