Total vacancies for the UK
Up 3.01% on yesterday
Down 5.25% on a week ago
Down 7.08% on last month
This graph shows the total number of job vacancies for the past eight weeks.
This graph shows the nine sectors with the most jobs on and how they've lost vacancies over the past eight weeks.
Everything's pretty similar to a week ago, same sectors are booming, the overall picture is quite gloomy, doesn't look like last week's budget has made any difference on the number of job vacancies out there. Aye, it'll take a few weeks / months / years to filter through, but there's no sign of anything yet.
If the unemployment figures are at 2.10 million, you've got around 5.6 candidates per job vacancy. National Statistics Online also has a figure of 7.85 million for economically inactive folk of working age, that'll be the worklessness figure, gives you 20 or so candidates per job vacancy.
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