927 Absolute Unique VisitorsCompared to March's
1,823 Pageviews
1,046 Absolute Unique VisitorsBit of a dip from last month's titanic heights, but still healthier than in the past. I guess its cos of not so many interesting posts, well, the Ian Tomlinson things got a lot of traffic and the link baiting lists of other blogs, everyone loves those. Must try harder for original content though.
2,438 Pageviews
These are my top referers for April (not including google wanderers)
1. Facebook (70 visitors)So quality posts, with original content seem to be paying off in terms of visitors more than any kind of comment pieces.
2. Twitter (50 visitors)
3. Counting Cats in Zanzibar (44 visitors)
4. Lib Dem Voice (27 visitors)
5. Bloglines (17 visitors)
6. Technorati (17 visitors)
7. Matt Wardman (16 visitors)
8. Landed Underclass (12 visitors)
9. Liberal Conspiracy (9 visitors)
10. Brian Micklethwaite (7 visitors)
Lets take a brief moment to consider which were the most viewed posts during April.
1. Facebook IQ test gubbins (181 views)
2. Liberty or Dearth (89 views)
3. Locations of cameras round Cornhill (68 views)
4. Guide to doing animations on Windows Movie Maker (45 views)
5. Origami instructions (33 views)
6. Final moments of Ian Tomlinson (32 views)
7. Breast Cancer Bloggery (30 views)
8. Last month's blog stat pron (28 views)
9. Facebook Scramble graphs (22 views)
10. Facebook Scrambles statistics (21 views)
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