The indietracks festival site is here on googlemaps.
Still not sure about camping, will take tent and sack and cooking utensils just in case, but it looks like I'm going to settle of the warm pool of vomit next to my car in the festival site car park. Yay.
This thread on Bowlie. I was ranting to myself about Jangly Mark's response, after the past seven years on Bowlie, could it be that my eyes are so dull compared to the brightness in his? Nah, he's probaly just a fool with no depth of perception, knowledge of the subject matter or empathy.
Gig last night, photies here. This one time I asked Rosie Rabbit if she was going to Indietracks and she replied that she didn't do Bowlie meetups, that rather confused me, Indietracks ain't a bowlie meetup, its an indiepop music festval that some folk off of Bowlie were going to. But then again, chatting to another friend off of the internet, who mentioned in passing that a load of people were at a Bowlie party, but there'd been no mention of it online, what she meant was that people who'd become friends off of Bowlie were having a party. Its a subtle difference. Anyhoo, I was at this gig last and there were like loads of people there I recognised off of the internet, off of Bowlie.
I hardly spoke to anyone though, these people who's posts I'd been reading for years, who I'd read about for years, all in the same room, and well, whatever kinship we had wasn't there.
I've been trying to verbalise it for days now, but its always too verbose.
We used to all be friends of friends off of the same messageboard online, peers standing shoulder to shoulder at the same shows and clubs, but now, we're not.
Ooh, maybe I got it right with the banner on the gig review site
So tonight is the end of days for NPL.
In a fortnight its the end of days for Bowlie.
With Glasgow East, how long until the end of days for the Labour government?
Times are changing, and a man with a bit of fire could take over. Is the world ready for the Naked Chick on Post-It Note revolution?
Yesterday's favourite search to find this blog on google
'why is it the last national pop league npl at the woodside social club glasgow?'
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