Wednesday, 10 June 2009

A month passes

Its been around a month since I posted my stolen list of Libertarian Bloggers (ranked by technorati reactions), and, still being unemployed, I have lots of time on my hands, so here it is again, updated with the latest numbers from Technorati, and how the various blogs have increased in popularity or decreased so.

1. Guido Fawke's Blog (6523 reactions link) (-)
2. Samizdata (2743 reactions link) (-)
3. Burning Our Money (1938 reactions link) (up 1)
4. Devils Kitchen (1838 reactions link) (down 1)
5. Daniel Hannan (1686 reactions link) (-)
6. UK Bubble (1211 reactions link) (up 1)
7. The Adam Smith Institute (1203 reactions link) (down 1)
8. Old Holborn (1162 reactions link) (-)
9. Craig Murray (1028 reactions link) (-)
10. Mr Eugenides (977 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
11. PJC Journal (748 reactions link) (up 1)
12. Obnoxio The Clown (732 reactions link) (up 1)
13. An Englishman's Castle (670 reactions link) (down3)
14. Tim Worstall (633 reactions link) (down 3)
15. Mark Wadsworth (595 reactions link) (down 1)
16. UK Libertarian Party (497 reactions link) (-)
17. Capitalists@Work (454 reactions link) (down 2)
18. Ambush Predator (382 reactions link) (-)
19. Bishop Hill (358 reactions link) (down 2)
20. Douglas Carswell (349 reactions link) (up 3)
21. Looking for a voice (316 reactions link) (up 1)
22. Little Man What Now (316 reactions link) (down 1)
23. Heresy Corner (311 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
24. Nanny Knows Best (285 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
25. The Landed Underclass (276 reactions link) (up 1)
26. The Last Ditch (266 reactions link) (down 6)
27. Underdogs Bite Upwards (265 reactions link) (down 2)
28. Libertarian Alliance: Blog (253 reactions link) (down 9)
29. Freeborn John (245 reactions link) (down 5)
30. A Very British Dude (235 reactions link) (down 3)
31. Is there more to life than shoes (220 reactions link) (new entry)
32. IEA blog (214 reactions link) (down 1)
33. Free market fairy tales (212 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
34. Longrider (210 reactions link) (down 6)
35. Brian Micklethwait (170 reactions link) (down 5)
36. The Appalling Strangeness (166 reactions link) (down 4)
37. The Huntsman (156 reactions link) (down 8)
38. Cynical Chatter (156 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
39. Counting Cats in Zanzibar (156 reactions link) (down 6)
40. Henry North London (150 reactions link) (down 5)
41. UK Liberty (132 reactions link) (down 7)
42. (127 reactions link) (down 6)
43. Freedom and Whisky (109 reactions link) (down 6)
44. Curious Snippets (108 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
45. The Anglo Saxon Chronicle (100 reactions link) (down 6)
46. Charlotte Gore (94 reactions link) (up 4)
47. Taking Liberties (91 reactions link) (down 7)
48. Dick Puddlecote (82 reactions link) (down 3)
49. Sinclairs Musings (81 reactions link) (down 11)
50. The Welfare State We're In (77 reactions link) (down 8)
51. Liberty Alone (74 reactions link) (down 7)
52. Neuearbeit Macht Frei (69 reactions link) (down 6)
53. Blognor Regis (62 reactions link) (down 10)
54. Womble on Tour (60 reactions link) (down 7)
55. Anti-Citizen One (57 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
56. John Trenchard (55 reactions link) (down 15)
57. From the Barrel of a Gun (48 reactions link) (down 9)
58. Anna Raccoon (46 reactions link) (down 6)
59=. Shades of Grey (42 reactions link) (down 11)
59=. Resistance is Useless (42 reactions link) (down 8)
61. Mark's Any Musings (41 reactions link) (down 5)
62=. ill and ancient (31 reactions link) (down 8)
62=. Their Contempt for you is Total (31 reactions link) (down 9)
62=. Natalie Solent (31 reactions link) (down 11)
65. Oxford Libertarian Society (28 reactions link) (down 11)
66=. Musings on Liberty (22 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
66=. Robs Blog (22 reactions link) (down 11)
68=. CrozierVision (20 reactions link) (down 12)
68=. Transport Blog (20 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
70. Caligula's Palace (19 reactions link) (down 3)
71. Bella Gerens (18 reactions link) (down 7)
71=. Englands Freedom (18 reactions link) (down 10)
71=. (18 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
74=. Big Brother Britain (17 reactions link) (down 14)
74=. Edinburgh Sucks (17 reactions link) (down 11)
74=. Medworth (17 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
74=. Boateng & Demetriou (17 reactions link) (down 5)
78=. Woking Libertarians (14 reactions link) (down 20)
78=. Public Interest (14 reactions link) (down 15)
78=. AngloAustria (14 reactions link) (down 17)
78=. Constantly Furious (14 reactions link) (up 11)
78=. A neo-jacobin (14 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
83. Voyage of Discovery (13 reactions link) (down 17)
84=. No Borders South Wales (12 reactions link) (down 16)
84=. South West Libertarians (12 reactions link) (down 16)
86=. The One that really is most unhappy about this (11 reactions link) (down 19)
86=. Libertarian Party South East (11 reactions link) (down 16)
88. Ferraris for all (10 reactions link) (down 19)
89. Anomaly UK (9 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
90. Picking Losers (8 reactions link) (down 19)
91=. Panem et Circenses (7 reactions link) (down 18)
91=. Scottish Libertarians (7 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
91=. Paul Lockett (7 reactions link) (down 17)
94. Craggy Island (6 reactions link) (down 23)
95=. Everything I say is right (6 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
95=. Katabasis (6 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
97=. Jerub-Baal's Spleen Vent (5 reactions link) (down 22)
97=. The Pub Curmudgeon (5 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
97=. Towards Mutual Benefit (5 reactions link) (down 19)
100=. A Brief Encounter (4 reactions link) (down 26)
100=. A Libertarian's Perspective (4 reactions link) (down 26)
100=. Mara's Una Musings (4 reactions link) (down 22)
100=. Marmelade Sandwich (4 reactions link) (down 22)
100=. RantinRab (4 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
105=. Life, Liberty and Proper Tea (3 reactions link) (down 27)
105=. North West Libertarians (3 reactions link) (down 27)
105=. (3 reactions link) (down 27)
105=. The Idle Pen Pusher (3 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
109=. Disobeying the Whip (1 reactions link) (down 24)
109=. Freedom2Choose (1 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
109=. North East Libertarians (1 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
109=. The Liberty Column (1 reactions link) (down 24)
109=. The North Briton (1 reactions link) (down 24)
109=. The progressive show (1 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
109=. This Observer (1 reactions link) (down 20)
116=. Captain: Ranty (0 reactions link) (new entry on this list)
116=. Obsidian's World (0 reactions link) (down 27)
116=. Think This (0 reactions link) (down 27)

Once again, pangs of anxiety about whether I should be doing this at all, we're all supposed to be on the same side, not fighting dogs pitted against each other.

And aw man, there's thirty, maybe more, 'new entries' compared to last month, more like blogs I didn't know about, and so int he great scheme of things most of the blogs of the list have fallen quite a few positions in the ranking, its so despiriting. Charlotte Gore almost doubled her number of technorati reactions and only went up four places. I thought, maybe if I only put in the changes for new entries and for those who've gone up, it would be less despiriting, but nah, I'll put it all in to be controversial and have folk moaning.

Actually, to save you hunting through the whole list, the rising stars are:-
Constantly Furious (14 reactions link) (up 11)
Charlotte Gore (94 reactions link) (up 4)
Douglas Carswell (349 reactions link) (up 3)
Burning Our Money (1938 reactions link) (up 1)
UK Bubble (1211 reactions link) (up 1)
PJC Journal (748 reactions link) (up 1)
Obnoxio The Clown (732 reactions link) (up 1)
Looking for a voice (316 reactions link) (up 1)
The Landed Underclass (276 reactions link) (up 1)
And 'new entries' that weren't on the list a month ago are:-
Mr Eugenides
Heresy Corner
Nanny Knows Best
Is there more to life than shoes
Free market fairy tales
Cynical Chatter
Curious Snippets
Anti-Citizen One
Musings on Liberty
Transport Blog
A neo-jacobin
Anomaly UK
Scottish Libertarians
Everything I say is right
The Pub Curmudgeon
Rab C Nesbitt
The Idle Pen Pusher
North East Libertarians
The progressive show
Captain: Ranty
(its the ability to write lists that sets us apart from the animals, thats what I always say)

If there are any British(ish) Libertarian blogs I've missed, ones which are regularly updated, let me know and I'll add them if I do it again next month.

Ooh, if you're reading this and you have vaguely libertarian tendencies and you happen to live near London, you might be interested in attending a meetup thing details here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm on a list!
    I feel like I have a dual personality, my blog is called rantinrab but I post as Rab C. Nesbitt. Do you think this is an issue? I don't want to confuse folk...
