Evening folks, and thanks for joining me. I got as far as getting dressed and walkeding to the front door before deciding it was too late, I'd get to HDIF too late, thepalce would be packed, I'd either know no one, or wouldn't feel comfortable talking to folk I knew and couldn't find anywhere to sit and hide.
So I turned round, picked up my bottle of Smirnoff and headed back to the PC.
You find me here, starting with about 4cm of vodka and another 7cm of ginger beer mixer
In another window the Boing Boing chatroom is doing a Rule 34 contest and in Bowlie, there is no one there.
Over in BoingBoing the first round has been won by this pic. I barely got to google. Need to try harder
McCain Palin pron
I submitted this one
Bah, its too fast for me.
Why has my music stopped?
Got distrated by Ghastly's Alan Moore porn
Now feeling the urge to abandon BoingBoing chat and go and watch TV with my trusty bottle of vodka. Still on first glass, ought to drink faster.
Wonder if anyone is in Bowlie
On vodka and ginger number 2 and have cranked up the volume for Future Bible Heros. Am mostly listening to Hopeless on repeat, and trying not to hear anyone else in the house.
Never quite made it to the living room to watch TV. I think I have teh fear now.
Sudden image in my head of the Kelvin where it passes the old BBC.
And now memories of dates wandering about round there.
What actually are the lyrics to Birdhouse in your Soul?
"My name is blue canary one note* spelled l-i-t-e"?
REM - Everybody Hurts comes on random, and I suddenly remember Saint Valery en Caux. Its this lovely wee town on the coast of France, just over from Seaford. Really nearby. Parents took us on holiday there once. I remember thinking, way back then, that it would be really nice to take the girlfriend there for a weekend/week.
Alas, never had the opportunity. No girlfriend.
And what kind of crazie would go with me on holiday to some other country after only knowing me for a few weeks.
Likewise with camping.
It'd be nice, but can't possibly happen.
Need drink no. 3
Sultans of Ping album has come up on random, am soldiering through drink three.
Over on Facebook, the girl is responding to status comments, and here in West Hampsted I'm getting all sniffly.
The front door just slammed. The jingle of keys suggests a female flatmate. But I can hear the rumble of a male voice. Possibly grli coming in, bloke in kitchen sayinghi, and then girl engaging in conversation
No wandering into the living room to watch TV for me then.
Ooh, 'Where's Me Jumper'.
Should have urged a Sultans of Ping covers album on Anorak earlier
Ooh, the second chap in this prono video seems to have the same hair as I did 1993 to 2005.
I miss that hair style.
Hmm, quiet predictably I find myself thinking of folk I knew back then.
Ought to chase them up on Faceookb.
And now remembering the response last time I chased them up on Faceobok.
Damn you east London!!!
I can haz picked up guita and attempting to learn Idlewild and Jimi Hendrix's Little Miss Lover
Also contemplating slinging old manc_ill_kid tracks up on the naked chicks site every few posts. Just cover versions cos it would be amusing if a load of people listened to them.
Ooh, suddenly pondering whether or not its Friday
Maybe it Thursday and I have work tomorrow...
I've never really done that recently. Not in the last eioght years, going to work or whatever drunk. University was a nonstop drunken haze and you could skip lectures and mornings whenever wih no penalties. But I remember many occasions in school going very hungoer or still quite drunk.
I remember one day in te form room worlk shop the morning after some drunken gig, NOsni just spent the lessopn under a table, red faced and giggleing and I was acting like world president of engineering.
We were gods back then.
Slightly entertained that a marketing chap from Smirnoff has just urged me on facebook to drink responsibly. I think that could be thr future of drinking.
"It looks like you're enjoying that pint of 'Cheap Lager^tm' but wouldn;t it be so much better as a shandy at this time in the night..."
It would give me someone to talk to I guess.
Anyhoo, I was learning to play Judy Over The Rainbow by Orange on guitar just then. Running through it as best as I remembered before digging out my old 1995 guitar class exercise book which happened to be about 8 inches away under my desk.
It was a cool song way back when,made even cooler when in 1997 I found out that Laura Pilling remembered the song too, and she had way better taste in music than I did. Time passed and it became 2005 or maybe '06 when at the international pop overthrow thing in Liverpool and I got to see Mick Corcormon play the track live. I almost cried.
Ooh that was the last time I saw Nosni too.
Drink number five and thinkingabout wandering downstairs to see who's about
Wandered do2n and bumping into a flatmate who was wondering where stuff wa in the kitchen I tried to talk throught the last time I'd seen it, but go sidetrdked to a cake making contest.
Ooh , I cut myself on the door, I see blood.
Anyhoo, my cake tastes disgusting, I make it using rice rather than floir, just wait until you see the mashied potato cake, and cos its disgusting I don't offer it to anyone who happens to be nearby.
Imagine if I was opening a can of dog-food. Should I offer that to flatmates? Indded.
Indeed even
Aw man, I still haven't poured number five, and I need a wee.
Plan of Acton:-
*open a window witrh Bowlie
* poour drink number 5
* go for a wee
* plau disposable by orange, or look up the uitat tab in Simon the guitar teacher's books
* drift off into 1995
* ooh remember that day in 1996
* shit, getting lost in the mid nineties
*its October again innit?
* aw man, It was October 18th,
tjat Boo Radleys gig when Zee was there and all of this started
just as I typed that, the epic and stabbing guitar solo in Disposable started
I love this tune so much
and whilst I havet see Zee in real life for over a decade, she's still the kindo f genotype for girls who I fancy
its abit fucked up
but going by watever of the profil I can see on faceookb, she's sytill pretty hott
hmm, there was a plan a few lnes earlier.
gonna scroll up and carry it out
ooh need a wee so much.
Ooh, there are people in Bowlie
And things and stuff too
I wish I had buscuits
and was sober enough to drive
Some things just aren't possible
Orange Juice - Rip it up on te h music thing
All conversation windows flawshing
and alchol shouting at tummy to be let out
should open crisps soon
Day 6 in the Smirnoff muleish house
and Chris is a quivering wresck, conteptarteriong his postition in life and
whilsy unable to do anything, ctaationically, every thing he des do is right
At the same time, getting t o this state is too micuh of a abattle
when al he needs s the message, yeah , I'll see you there then
havenea spew yet
n#but chatted to people
and its goigh tonbe ok
I love you gus
I read that as
ReplyDeleteIf you don't someone el evil ll.
But I'm just all wrong
El Evil Ll - the world's only Mexican/Welsh wrestling star. He's lethal. Flying suplexes AND he'll burn down your holiday home. Whilst singing. In Mexicoan.
ReplyDeletewow. that Alan Moore/Alan Moore picture is AWESOME.