Wednesday, 3 October 2007


During all the excitement on this blog over the past few days, my pictures of nude women drawn on office supplier website was getting fewer and fewer hit, and by lunch time today my personal blog was getting more hits than mainstream porn, so I was going to call it a day and post a message saying that that site would no longer be updated and that the pistures would go up as a job lot on etsy as soon as I could be arsed.

But no, Fleshbot has come to the rescue and done a post about my site. Now for those pure of heart and of mind, Fleshbot is to porn what Engadget is to technology, ie, the world's most popular blog on the subject. In all the world of internet porn there is no site which gets more traffic, and today, its directing some of that traffic in my direction.

So feeling strangely obliged not to make them look like chump, I'm having to draw more pictures. Hopefully after a week or so the fuss will die down and I can stop being a secret pornographer.

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