1,132 Absolute Unique VisitorsCompared to September's
1,924 Pageviews
1,054 Absolute Unique VisitorsWhilst not quite at the heady heights of traffic that this blog was getting when I was
1,769 Pageviews
Here are the metrics of of my RSS feeds on various feed readers:
21 subscribers - GoogleReader (same as last month)These are my top referers for October (not including google wanderers)
4 subscribers - Bloglines (same as last month)
6 followers - Blogger (same as last month)
1. Twitter - 70 visitorsLets take a brief moment to consider which were the most viewed posts during November.
2. Facebook - 48 visitors
3. UK Bubble - 21 visitors
4. EUReferendum - 17 visitors
5. Mark Wadsworth - 16 visitors
6. Boy Trouble - 10 visitors
7. Daniel1979 - 5 visitors
8. Fitlads - 5 visitors
9. Zath - 4 visitors
10. Anorak Forum - 3 visitors
1. What Have I gotten myself into - the TFTA scam - 239 viewsThat top post there, "What Have I gotten myself into", about the training academy scam thing has been steadily growing in traffic since I posted it in July, clearly the organisation is still going and still roping people in. Using the wonders of Google's graph API, here's a bar chart showing how the hits on that blogpost have increased to date:-
2. Origami flapping bird animation - 77 views
3. No idea about pornography - 52 views
4. London Bloggers - Havana - 51 views
5. Facebook Scramble graphs - 42 views
6. Facebook IQ test gubbins - 36 views
7. Facebook ChainRxn graphs and hints - 32 views
8. Does Shisha kill - 32 views
9. Job Vacancies update 17-Aug-2009 - 32 views
10. Names of the dead in Gaza - 27 views
Actually, due to the overwealming nature of old blogposts in that list, here are the top ten blogposts that I actually wrote in October:-
1. No idea about pornography - 52 viewsI have Aref-Adib to thank for retweeting the pornography post on Twitter and Facebook, cheers.
2. London Bloggers - Havana - 51 views
3. SongKick Meetup - 26 views
4. Just like Delia - 22 views
5. BNP on Question Time - 19 views
6. Probably been to more gigs than you - 16 views
7. Blog Stat Pron - September - 13 views
8. Job Vacancies Update - 12 views
9. On the Minimum Wage - 12 views
10. I hate gigs that run late - 10 views
Another thing which has occurred to me that I ought to add in these regular stat pron updatey posts is a pie chart showing what I've been blogging about most.
Thats it for November's blog stat pron. If there's any other metrics you want to know about this blog, let me know in the comments.
Ooh, and before I depart for other topics to blog about, I ought to mention that I've started a SongKick-specific blog just here, called SongKick Dreams, so I shalln't be boring my regular blog readers with that sort of thing round here. If you're on SongKick, or like both statistics and going to gigs, then check it out. I think its awesome.
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