Monday, 16 November 2009

Back to Borders

This morning I find myself in the Starbucks in the Brent Cross branch of Bordersn suppoing cappucinos and hot chocolates like I did months ago when I was unemployed.

This time however, I'm not unemployed, I'm homeless. Sure I have fine job, doing quality assurance at a food factory, I just find myself with no fixed abode.

Weeks ago I plotted a chart on this blog showing that I spend far too much money on rent. The place I was staying at was way beyond my means, so I sought somewhere more affordable.

I found somewhere more affordable, its just not available yet. So I've 'moved out' without 'moving in' anywhere.

Its one of these things which keeps getting postponed and postponed, "tomorrow morning", "in the next few days", "oh its gone, but there's another due at the end of the week". Life's like that sometimes. At my last factory, we had a delivery of cable parts that was a year late, twelve months of putting up with promises of a better tomorrow, afeared that as soon as you order and pay for the same thing from a new supplier, the original supplier would come up with the goods. Money wasted, overstocked.

My life consists of couch-surfing, staying with friends and lulling others into thinking the storm drains of Wembley are habitable. My possessions in heaps spread across the UK, filed away in boxes hidden under stables and behind doors. I am a half-human, not all there. No keys of my own, no independence. No home computer, no blogging.

The huge silver lining is that every day I remain in this epherial state, I am £19 richer than I would be if I'd stayed at the old place, almost like a 30% pay rise.

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