614 Absolute Unique Visitors
1,693 Pageviews
Compared to last month's
559 Absolute Unique Visitors
1,528 Pageviews
So its a bit better. More constant traffic rather than spikes. See this graph from statcounter, where December was quite a quiet month until I posted that updated map of how the Palestinian territories have changed shape and the good Devil and that Bastard Holborn linked to it.
I was still getting traffic from them in January, here, these are my top ten referers for January (not including google wanderers).
1. Devils Kitchen
2. Bastard Old Holborn
3. Facebook
4. Naked Chicks on Post-it Notes
5. Daritus
6. Twitter
7. Hoosgot
8. Hunting Monsters
9. Anorak
10. Last.fm
Mine is a quiet corner of the net, but traffic's slowly building up and for a few topics I'm the top of your google searches. Its kind of strange though, google analytics has different keywords to statcounter.
1. facebook advanced iq test answers (16 visitors)
2. facebook advanced iq test (15 visitors)
3. illandancient (9 visitors)
4. jax (9 visitors)
5. advanced iq test facebook (6 visitors)
6. ill and ancient (5 visitors)
7. list of names of dead children in gaza 2009 (5 visitors)
8. names of dead in gaza (5 visitors)
9. 3d post-it (4 visitors)
10. betty and the werewolves (4 visitors)
So rather shamelessly I'm hoping that the Facebook Scramble graphs and stuff draws me as much traffic as the IQ test does.
Somewhat accordingly to the google refers and others, the most popular pages in January were:-
1. Advanced IQ test
2. Palestinian landloss
3. Names of the dead in Gaza
4. Big Mac in three bites
5. The scenester scene
6. More names of the dead in Gaza
7. Adrian Roye and The Exiles
8. We won then
9. Scenester scene 2
10. Parking tickets
So aye, finally, for December this blog was getting around 40 hits a day on average and for January it was around 50 hits a day. So for February I'm aiming for 60 hits a day, that'a achieveable right? Are you guys gonna conme back?
I am intrigued by my blog that no one reads being your eighth biggest referrer.