The space bar on my laptop isplaying up,it used towork all the timeandnowitdoesn't, only when it feelslikeobeying my demands forspacedoesit doits thing.
Am too skint topurchaseanew computer.Ihada goat pingingthekeys offandhaving a cleanout of crumbs but it didn'tmakemuch ofa difference. I wantan EEEPC, butthey'realittleout of my pricerange right now.
So instead I'm going to buy some Dr Who DVDs andwish I knewpeopleI couldinvite round towatch themwith.
Slightly distressing giglast night. Edwyn Collinscovers night with a load ofbandseachplaying onesong beforea twenty minute change overtothenextband. I gotchatting to folkfromPocketbookswho seemed strangely enthusiasticto my plansforworlddonimation. Well, theplan fora 'Your Place or Mine' London/Glasgow/Cardiff gig swapthing, couldI havePocketbooks,The School andTheJust Joansorarethey tooobvious? Also my idea foranewversion of therockabilly covers bandThe Deep Fried Wolfknuckles, butthistimecalled The Southside Wolfknuckles. Ijust needtofindan Alan Otto Wolfknucklesorta driving forcebehinditsoIcanlurk intheshadows ratherthan take any responsibility.
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