Monday, 12 May 2008

Internal and naked debates

Life post-naked chicks on post-it notes ain't so good.

The sun shines brightly outside, and I'm unfamiliar with lying in bed in the morning and it being too hot, well, kind of unfamiliar, it reminds me of 2006 which I ought to not think about. There are some ex-girlfriends you can send dirty sex messages to and some you can't.

Entertaining Friday night, cinema and drinking and talking and stuff, but the next day mild feelings depression (the emotion, not the serious mental illness), wandering round town at the mercy of obligations, gigs and clubs and picnics.

So, with nothing else fulfilling my creative urges, do I restart the naked chicks site?

Sure, it would keep me busy in the evenings, I've been drunk every day for the past eleven days, and its mighty pleasing to get thousands of hits a day, several hundred souls clicking on a link to my work.

I keep reading news stories and politics and feeling the urge to tell people, but with no clear avenue of doing so. I keep going to gigs and seeing bands, and feeling the urge to tell people about what I've seen and heard, but again, no clear avenue.

I could use the naked chicks site for it, for anything.

But like before, and like with every other blog on the entire internet, its not going to bring me happiness, or get me the girl. It make me more powerful, and provides a might club to swing, but the girl remains elusive. Too far away, too hard to talk to, unable to touch.

Where ever I'm supposed to go in the pursuit of happiness, the path isn't naked chicks on post-it notes.

Suspect that the path involves a scattergun approach of sms, twitter, facebook, email and talking to everyone.

Terror bubbles up.

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