Monday, 3 September 2007


What a thrilling and action packed weekend.

All starting on friday just as I finished work and got a text from my friend Rowan who was down in London from Glasgow with her husband to see Sonic Youth, They beckoned me out to Camden, where we trawled through a few pubs, including The Good Mixer, it reminds me of the crowd from Sleazies, decamped to The Lauriston.

I managed to squeeze in an hour in an internet café too, just procrastinating. There are strange things afoot, and without knowing much about anything, its hard to fit the pieces together.

Saturday saw me wandering to Oxford Street to pick up a teach yersel Polish book, and getting a text from Fiona fae uni beckoning me to her flat to play X-Box with her boyfriend, in return they fed me and took me along to a barbecue in Ealing. The boyfriend Dom was pummelling me on the games and pummelling me for information about how to make money in the hi-fi industry reckon the answer is using environmentalism as a differentiator.

So this barbecue was for another Strathclyde alumni's birthday, no idea who she was but she said I looked familiar, cue Fiona joshing about me being in a band. They even gave me a lift back to my flat.

So Jill, Jax's friend, has been filling me with dread, socialising with Natalie, I'm pretty sure no good can come of this, but if I stay hundreds of miles away and keep my head down, maybe she'll forget about me. Damned monkey spheres.

Text message from brother and family on Sunday, beckoning me to a shopping mall, The Lakeside, near Dartford Crossing, which I assumed was near Dartford, south of the river aye? So I took the Southern Circular, expecting it to be just as useful as the Northern Circular. No chance, its the deformed runt-like little sister of the northern ring road. Took me straight through Clapham Common, and down windy roads, with a million junctions and traffic lights. Finally I emerged near Dartford to discover that I was on the wrong side of the damned river mate, and had to pay to get to the other side. Barstards.
It was nice seeing my niece and everyone, once again she was shy at first, but during lunch I took her out to watch the boats on the lake and the cadet kids canoeing, which enthralled her.

Over coffee later in the afternoon I snatched a swift bit of wifi internet to find the location of this evening's gig, and bade farewell to the family, the wean barely notice I'd gone.

Parked in a residential area near Euston and chatted to ma as I wandered to the gig, got there late, got bored, drew pictures, and scribbled.

Got home at about eleven, remembering I hadn't eaten all day, and well, kind of scared to use the kitchen at this time of night. I ought to get a packet of choccy digestives to keep in my room for these frequent situations. Or, more responsibly, start using the kitchen to cook food. This irregular eating and quality of food is killing me.

Ooh, I finished Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows at some point, and started Terry Brooks's Armageddon's Children, Genesis of Shannara. Potter was thrilling to the end, but a bit of a cheesy cop out ending, Snape resolved himself honourably. I think I identify with him a little more than I did in the earlier books. Its been decades since I read a Shannara book, this one's more post-apocalyptic than the fantasy of the earlier books.


  1. I think a giant cook out is in order! Mass production of stodge and subsequent freezing of said stodge. I don't want you withering away on me now. And don't worry about things that worrying can't help. That's MY job.

  2. Was good to catch up with you! Indie rock rocks :¬)
