It works by carrying out various neat filtery things on a a ledger which you enter all you financial transactions into. This is the bit of code for entering transactions into the ledger.
sub enteringTransactions {
$transaction_date = "01/01/2000";
$transaction_account = "dummy";
$transaction_value = "9999";
$transaction_payee = "dummy";
$transaction_category = "dummy";
$notes = "dummy dummy";
print " Entering transactions\n";
print "Please enter the date of the transaction dd/mm/yyyy:- ";
chomp($trans_date =);
@transaction_date = split /\//, $trans_date;
$trans_day = $transaction_date[0]*1;
$trans_month = $transaction_date[1]*1;
$trans_year = $transaction_date[2]*1;
$ninday = $trans_day+($trans_month*31)+($trans_year*12*31);
print "Please enter account name (cash, hsbc or credit):- ";
chomp($transaction_account =);
print "Please enter value (xx.xx):- ";
chomp($transaction_value =);
print "Please enter payee:- ";
chomp($transaction_payee =);
print "Please enter category:- ";
chomp($transaction_category =);
print "$trans_day/$trans_month/$trans_year\t$transaction_account\t$transaction_value\t$transaction_payee\t$transaction_category\n";
$entry_time = time;
my $filename = "chriscounts.poo";
open LOG, ">>", $filename or die "Can't open '$filename': $!";
print LOG "$entry_time, $trans_day, $trans_month, $trans_year, $ninday, $transaction_account, $transaction_value, $transaction_category, $transaction_payee, $notes\n";
close LOG;
print "Transaction logged\n"};
The ledger is a file called, rather amusingly, "chriscounts.poo" and the data is stored in as a comma space separated line with the following information:-
- timestamp of when the data was entered, in milliseconds
- day of month of transaction
- month of transaction
- year of transaction in four digits
- data in my own proprietary format for the purpose of sorting and doing neat things with
- transaction account
- value of transaction
- category
- payee
- notes, although this bit isn't used.
Right, this next subroutine is what I use to load the ledger file into memory as an array of arrays
sub getLedger {
@ledger = ();
my $filename = "chriscounts.poo";
open LEDGER, "<", $filename or die "Can't open '$filename': $!";
while (
@tmp = split/, /;
push @ledger,[ @tmp ];
close LEDGER;
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