Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Give me my internet - part 1

-In which Orange fails-

Ever since I moved out of my cosy West Hampstead pad to my derelict squat in Wembley, I've had internet connection problems.

Sure I have my mighty BlackBerry, but its not so good for compiling information, editing html blogposts and watching the more specialist videos on RedTube. Occasionally I've used my attractive young ladyfriend's wifi, but this is a source of stress in our relationship, so I won't be doing that again.

Of course internet cafe's are great, but Borders has closed and the nearest on according to google maps is always closed when I get there. There's a nice one in West Hampstead, at Brioch and the other day I spent some quality time at the Camera Cafe in Bloomsbury, but these are long train rides away.

So I've been endevouring to get my own interney connection.

As I have my 'Berry with them, I tried Orange first. Regular reader of my blog will know my attractive young ladyfriend had problems getting an iPhone from there the other day. But I am not she so I thought I'd try my luck at the same Harrow branch.

You know that thing about how early adopters pay through the nose for new technology and if you wait around you can get things at a fraction of the price, the £89.99 Gameboy now just a few pence on ebay, Xboxes for £279.99 when launched and now £30 on ebay. Well, I just want to get online as quickly as possible, money isn't really an issue, cos once I'm online my opportunities to make more money increase dramatically. I just want to get online as quickly as possible, and as stresslessly as possible to. Can't stand faff, me.

I was served by a gentleman, not the lady who served and knocked back my ladyfriend.

But to no avail, I too was knocked back.

Despite already having a contract with Orange I was unable to prove myself worthy of one of their mobile broadband dongles. The ID that I regularly carry around was inadequate.

In summary, out of three attempts with Orange, only one success has been achieved (that being my BlackBerry). So their success rate with me and my ladyfriend is a rather poor 33%

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