Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Body Scanner Porn the legend continues

I read on The Register:-
The proliferation of airport body scanners will spark a flurry of low-grade porn, internet conspiracy theorists claimed last week.

But officials at Manchester Airport, where full body scanning is already due to be tested, have been quick to dismiss this as urban myth. Who to ignore?

A number of websites have suggested it is a simple enough matter to transform the slightly abstract, solarised images currently taken by airport scanners and turn them into slightly fuzzed smut.
"internet conspiracy theorists claimed last week"? I was going on about it last October
...asserting that the images are not erotic or pornographic. Clearly she is unaware of Rule 34,
Rule 34 - If it exists, there is porn of it.
We're just hours away from something appearing on ffffound
Besides, Boing Boing reckons that the Technical Specs do allow for storing and sending the images.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.scannerporn.com

    Scanner Porn
