Thursday, 17 December 2009

Tied to the 00's #4

I don't think the 00's really got going in Glasgow's Indiepop scene until Nal arrived, she was like this flag round which scenesters rallied and rising bands would seek out. Her parties were also pretty ace too.

In this photo from one of her southside soirée's in 2003, we have Camera Obscura's John Henderson from Camera Obscura joining a sofa with Gav King of Partick from Stabilizer and Camera Obscura, Adam J Smith from The Hector Collectors and Alan 'Wolfknuckle' Patterson, later of The Deep Fried Wolfknuckles.

It was these indiepop conferences that help define each band's unique sound as ideas were bounced around and cross pollinated. You can definitely hear the Hector's influence in some of the Mighty Ob's later work.

Just off shot to the left is Nal herself, looking stunning and relaxed, and to the right of the shot, I think it's someone's ass-cheek in jeans, judging by the toned curves I'm guessing its Colin or Robbie.

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