938 Absolute Unique VisitorsCompared to May's
1,969 Pageviews
921 Absolute Unique VisitorsUniques are up from last month, but pageviews are down. Statcounter reckons I have 1,547 Unique Visitors, about an eighth of what Constantly Furious gets. Statcounter has me getting an average of 61 pageloads per day, down on last month so the target for July will be a more realistic 65 ppd.
2,027 Pageviews
I think its the dips in posting at weekends that have let me down a wee bit. you're going to have to put up with that, cos I ain't giving up the missus.
Feed metrics:
12 subscribers - GoogleReader (up 1 from last month)These are my top referers for June (not including google wanderers)
3 subscribers - Bloglines (same as last month)
3 followers - Blogger (same as last month)
1. Facebook - 109 visitors (up 20)So referrals are down last month, Facebook and Twitter are both up a wee bit, shameless whoring to blame there. Over there I've turned into one of these marketing bores.
2. Twitter - 63 visitors (up 3)
3. Longrider - 24 visitors (up 2)
4. EUReferendum - 23 visitors (up 9)
5. Mark Wadsworth - 16 visitors (down 33)
6. UK Bubble - 11 visitors
7. Daniel 1979 - 10 visitors
8. Bloglines - 7 visitors
9. YouPorn - 7 visitors
10. Rob Fisher - 6 visitors
Lets take a brief moment to consider which were the most viewed posts during April.
1. Facebook ChainRxn graphs and hints (152 views)Somewhat frustrating that folk don't give a damn about my opinions, well, they're crap anyway, its just the factual and informative posts that get the most hits, graphs and stuff.
2. Names of the dead in Iran (117 views)
3. Facebook IQ test gubbins (71 views)
4. MPs self-published expenses (41 views)
5. Facebook Scramble graphs (38 views)
6. Guide to doing animations on Windows Movie Maker (33 views)
7. Origami instructions (29 views)
8. Updated ranking libertarian blogs (26 views)
9. Songkick ranking (24 views)
10. Names of the dead in Gaza (21 views)
Thats it for June's blog stat pron. If there's any other metrics you want to know about this blog, let me know in the comments.
I'm going to have to try my own kind of gear change if I want to really jack up my stats, I'm going to have to try something different again, post different things. God knows what.
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