Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Breast Cancer Bloggery

I was at a London Bloggers Meetup last night, my attractive young ladyfriend came along too, as she had been kicking about town earlier.

The meet up was a big one, in the basement of Shish, a kebab restaurant in Old Street that I haven't been to since Tuesday 7th August 2007.

The evening was sponsored by Fashion Targets Breast Cancer UK, free drinks, free pin badges, free USB business cardy things and a little presentation about the charity. It was started in the nineties by Ralph Lauren and aims to raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer. They have a fine range of women's clothes available in Marks n Sparks, Top Shop, River Island, etc.

All the designs seem to be black and with with animals or the charity's target logo. My favourite was this one.

They had a raffle thing, giving away literally loads of clothes and my attractive young ladyfriend was lucky enough to win one (photies later).

They were also showing off their Million Model Catwalk website, which is a fine thing, you upload your photies and it gets superimposed on a catwalk model wearing one of their outfits. On the title page of the website, I think my favourite celeb pretending to be a model is Sarah Cox cos she looks like she's a little drunk late on during a night out in Bolton, stumbling to the side slightly.

According to the leaflets on the tables, around 50,000 women and 300 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, and, according to the website, 12,000 die.

As is usual for me after these London Blogger Meetup, here's the first of many list of London Bloggers that should be popping up over the London blogosphere as people write up the event, blogging about the evening.

Interesting folk I spoke to include:-
Andy Bargery
Cristiano Betta
Dr Zoe the Shaman
Barbara from GloCal Travel
The Londoneer
People I made brief eye-contact with include:-
Fresh Plastic
Hayley from PunLimited
My London Diary
People who I didn't talk to or make eye contact with:-
Miss Geeky
Annie Mole
We Are Social
Gregg Fraley
(admittedly some of these aren't people as such, but are blogs written by people who I didn't talk to, make eye-contact with or otherwise recognise)
Actually, it was a quite a quiet one for me, maybe I'm just really shy. There's probably lots of other people who I didn't talk to or make eye contact with, leave a comment and I'll add to the list, then you can just cut and paste it into tyer own blogs and it'll be like a successful venture into post-event networking, rather than me just link baiting.

Afterwards, as we wandered back to Old Street Underground, we were overcome with hunger and popped into the Cay Tre, its a Vietnamese restaurant. We'd been promising each other to sample Vietnamese food for months, and you know what, its great. Its a bit sharper than Chinese food. I had this chilli chicken with rice thing, and my ladyfriend had some kind of crab and prawn dish, I think it had black beans in it too. She's crazy for black beans.

Ooh, modest prices too.

1 comment:

  1. Really pleased to hear you enjoyed your evening and your 'ladyfriend' liked her t-shirt :). Thanks for your support and bloggin about our campaign.
    Krista x (FTBC)
