538 Absolute Unique Visitors
1,953 Pageviews
Compared to last month's
614 Absolute Unique Visitors
1,693 Pageviews
So its a bit worse than January on the uniques front, and I think the disparity between views and visitors comes from forcing my missus to read the site. See this graph from statcounter, its a bit lumpy and returning visitors seem to be tailing off. Actually, the lumps seems to be week days and weekends are a bit quiet, cos I don't post so much then. Ah well.
These are my top referers for February (not including google wanderers)
1. Facebook (26 visitors)Dear god, it hardly seems worth it. Still, I've got nothing better to do with my time.
2. Anorak Forum (8 visitors)
3. Devils Kitchen (6 visitors)
4. Flickr (6 visitors)
5. KLF.de (5 visitors)
6. Bloglines (5 visitors)
7. Daritius (5 visitors)
8. Naked Chicks on Post-It Notes (5 visitors)
9. Twitter (5 visitors)
10. Behind Blue Eyes (3 visitors)
Lets take a brief moment to consider which were the most viewed posts during February, I'll try not to take up too much of your times as they are almost exactly the same as last month's most popular posts.
1. Facebook IQ test gubbins (127 views)So aye, finally, for December this blog was getting around 40 hits a day on average and for January it was around 48 hits a day, February was 46 hits a day. So my attempt at getting around 60 was a bit of a piss poor failure. I might as well just slash my wrists now on the blog front. You fucks must find this the most boring piece of shit on the whole internet. Maybe if I blogged about slitting my wrists, that would drive up traffic a wee bit.
2. Facebook Scramble graphs (57 views)
3. Names of the dead in Gaza (48 views)
4. Guide to doing animations on Windows Movie Maker (38 views)
5. Facebook Scrambles statistics (37 views)
6. Shepard Fairey Bill Drummond pic (34 views)
7. Marmite live-blogging (33 views)
8. Just Joans EP review (31 views)
9. Origami instructions (30 views)
10. Last month's blog stat pron (29 views)
Just joking.
Sheesh, its not my fault you can't take a joke.
Actually, now I think about it, I remember writing an in-depth guide to wrist cutting, where the hell did I do that? Hmm, I think it was back in the members only section of Bowlie, about twenty minutes before I got banned.
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