Tuesday, 9 December 2008


Some short chap stood on a stool at the front trying to convince a room of PR people to feel passionate about wine.

Interesting point about wine being an agricultural product, rather than an industrial product where the production can be turned up if nessessary.

Slightly sozzled on the way home. It was a fun meetup, definitely in the top five London Bloggers Meetups, shame Chris qwagmir and FlashTom weren't there.

Lots of free wine, about 80% pleasant.



Aref-Adib was up to his usual fine form as my PR man pimping my old site and book.

I found myself talking to lots of interesting people. There's a cute girl on the platform outside the window, she looks like Heather Graham. Hmph, its been days since I spoke to my ladtyfriend, is it too late to phone?

I took lots of photies of wine with thumbs up, thumbs down reviews. And had decided I need to acquire Port for the flat.

Of course I'll populate this post with links when I'n next near my computer, but folk I recall chatting to include...
Made eye contact with

Probably a couple more people too, I'm crap with names me.

Ooh, train stopping

Photies here

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