Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Crikey its warm, and I've used my skills at work for once. I phoned up a supplier querying a quality issue, and we worked it through and found a solution that decreased his build time and improved quality and reduced build time and storage space at this end too. The sun, it shines.

Last night was rather jolly, well, I ploughed the depths for a few hours, resorting to trying to watch Buffy Season 1 played at 7/8 speed, something to do with the DVD drive on my laptop. Almost sobbing in frustration, I need to acquire a DVD player and TV at some point when I have the space and the inclination.

At the moment I've ordered a 250gb portable hard drive so I can port all the mp3s from my old PC to any other computer in one swoop.
It was late when the landlord dragged me downstairs to eat party food and join them for firework lighting, but jolly good fun. Holding roman candles and firing rockets at each other, lighting catherine wheels and using them as frizbees.

Kind of like back in '94 with Binny and Jim Ashton round Worsley Woods. One or two flashbacks of '97 in the woods round Inverness with the Royal Engineers too.

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