Sunday, 26 August 2007

Return of the Kingboy

Back in Glasgow for a brief visit. I know, I know its four hundred miles, but I was in a funk and needed to escape, I appreciate that there's some things you just can't escape from, there's no hiding, all you can do is keep running when you need to.

So right now I'm in Oscars, using their Free Wiki (is that my suicide?). The girl's reading a newspaper, I'm updating a couple of websites, we both have coffee.

Its weird, even for an unplanned and the briefest of visits, I've met up with The Photographer, Alan, The Plimps, The Just Jones and now got into Raymond Chandler novels. Last night was the Only Joe Kane album launch at MacPhabbs, the vibe the same as last year, similar faces, similar vibes, so much has happened since then, but if you squint slightly, so little has changed.

So I was trawling the depths and found this post, from six years ago. And its the weirdest thing, I'm in London now, I saw the Loves as soon as I got there, and that drumstick that I pinched off the swedish broad, I had to give to Dave the drummer for the last Deep Fried Wolfknuckles gig. Its kind of like that Doctor Who story, Remembrance of the Daleks, where the Doctor goes back to where the first Doctor Who episode started and finishes of this plan he'd set in motion. Ooh the guy in that was called Captain Gilmour. I rule the time streams

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