Thursday, 29 April 2010

Is Germany Gillian Duffy?

Melina Popova, a disenfranchised Easten European, has a piece in The Guardian. She's not a happy kitten.
Words fail me. Yesterday I stared alternately at my screen and keyboard in complete and utter paralysis, while inside I was raging. At one point I actually genuinely broke down in tears and great heaving sobs.
She thinks that Gillian Duffy is a bigot.

I wonder though, does she think that Austria, Germany, France, Denmark and Belgium are bigot nations? Or the UK as a whole? I ask because when the A8 nations (Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia) joined the European Union in 2004, the R5 nations (Austria, Germany, France, Denmark and Belgium) put in immigration controls to stop the Eastern Europeans flocking in ans swamping their labour markets. Even now six years later Germany and Austria have controls in place.

The UK already has a block on Bulgarian and Romanian migrants. Whilst Melina is shedding tears cos of one Rochdale resident, does she shed any tears for all the Bulgarians and Romanians who are unable to come here?

This one time when I lived in Glasgow I was discussing immigration with a friend who's mother was foreign, she was all precious about it, until I pointed out that I trumped her by being a first generation immigrant coming from England to Scotland for work.

Brilliant, it turns out the original piece was a Livejournal posting here, and she actually mentions The Indelicates who are a band I follow on Twitter.

A sickly nation, unable to provide for their children

Channel4 have a neat websitey thing called ChoPORNot, where viewers are give a series of choices between two cards representing things that could be cut to reduce the £152,000,000,000 deficit.

Choices like Reduce disability benefit or not to renovate social housing.

A lot of the options are a bit, well, crap. Like axing GPs when actually giving thema pay cut might be less destructive (considering their pay tripled in the last ten years)

Anyhoo, a neat thing is that you can see the charts of which items most people have chosen to slash and which items most people have chosen not to cut, to 'cherish'. After 500 or so people have had a go on the website the list of things to cut is like this:
1. Military - Don't upgrade Trident. Stop subbing the subs...
2. Military - Withdraw from Iraq. Time to watch our own backs...
3. Religious and other community services - Stop supporting churches. What about their collections?
4. Economic affairs - Plan a bank raid. Reclaim bankers' money.
5. Broadcasting and Publishing services - Cancel all government advertising. Stop ads...
6. Military - Pull out of Afghanistan. Stop digging that hole...
7. Military - Cut navy spending. Waive the rules...
8. Education not definable by level - Learning and Life Skills Council? Who's heard of that?
9. Military - Clip the wings of the RAF
10. Executive and legislative organs, finacial affairs, external affairs - Cut back on government. No such thing as society...
The overiding message seems to be that we hate the military, we hate bankers and the government.

Contrast this we the items most cherished:-
1. Primary and Preprimary education - Shut primary schools. Increased illiteracy? So waht?
2. Social Exclusion - Stop all home help visits. Leave unwell alone...
3. Medical Services - Axe, slash, chop or cut 50% of A&Es...
4. Medical Services - Close 20 hospitals. Keep 'em waiting...
5. Primary and Preprimary education - Sack 2000 teachers. More friends for each classmate!
6. Old Age - Shiver their timbers! Cut winter fuel payments.
7. Secondary Education - We don't need no education... Cut 2000 teachers.
8. Transport - Close branch railways. Everyone's got a car...
9. Old Age - Cut state pensions. No more golden oldies...
10. Secondary Education - Shut 40 secondary schools. Don't teach 'em a lesson...
We love the NHS, schools and old people! Wooh.

Personally I'm divided, I thank we should pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq, but other than that the UK should have a strong and well-funded military. But on the other hand, the more right-wing libertarian in me reckons that the government should have little to do with education, health and social care, we she keep our taxes and invest in our own private health insurance, and we should fund our kid's education first hand from our own pockets.

Maybe its just Chop or Not's jaundiced view, that only the state can provide teachers and schools and hospitals and if not the state then these things would cease to exist. In real life, rather than closing 40 colleges or sacking 2,000 teachers, they'd just transfer to the private sector. The jobs would still be there, the potential for educating is still there, its just the state have abandoned that as one of their competencies.

Regardless, the state has demonstrated that it is unable to run its finances adequately enough to fund health, education and social care. It could almost be like the government is to the UK, what Greece is to the EU.

Just to clarify and ruminate, this one time at my last job in the soup room, I was asked how old I was, thirtyish, and if I had any kids "nope" and why not, at the time I didn't answer, but the answer would be that culturally I'm unwilling to have kids if I can't provide for them, that is I can't afford kids, I'm thousands of pounds in debt, and either on minimum wage or unemployed. To have kids I'd want to be able to pay for them, to pay for their toys and trinkets and to some degree pay for their education, since I can barely afford these things for myself, I refrain from spawning.

Its part of my self-sufficiency thing, like growing my own potatos or not drawing housing benefit.

Although somewhere out there its an enshrined right to have a family, to have kids, this isn't a free right, its a right that the state has to provide for, so I refrain from taking advantage of that right.

A little bit of me thinks that to have kids and expect the state to provide for them is as bad as living an unhealthy lifestyle and expecting the state to keep you alive. My health is, for the most part within my own hands, however the defence of the nation and upholding law and order, that's for the government.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Knitting project #14 - pink scarf for my attractive young ladyfriend

As started last September, I've now finished the pink scarf I was knitting for my attractive young ladyfriend. Although, its less pink, than bacon coloured.

I've knitted it as a load of wide rows rather than being really long, much in the same way that Idleberry did a scarf for me in the old mid-decade Glasgow knitting explosion.

Although, I misjudged how many stitches I could fit on my needles and ended up with a freakishly long scarf, its a 10 footer I reckon.

I dropped a stitch or two somewhere in the middle but the ladyfriend doesn't mind, and I can't see to find them now. It took about four ball of yarn, no idea what type of yarn it is, just from a big cheap bag from a car boot sale.

Size 2 knitting needles, I think they're about 8mm, could be 7mm.

Eep, it took me about nine months, ten minutes a day, so at minimum wage, it would cost about £300 if I were to try selling it.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Ashamed of being Labour not a one-off

I thought it could just be a one-off the other day when I discovered that despire there being no mention of it on his leaflet, that Brent North PPC Barry Gardiner is the Labour candidate, but chucking out a pile of rubbish from the kitchen, I find another of his leaflets from a few weeks ago, still with no mention of his Labour membership.

Its not even the Labour red colour scheme, just some weird mix of other party's colours, UKIP's purple, the Green's green and LibDem's yellow.

Having said that, there is a little bit of Red, and the death knell for Labour candidates, he's got a picture of himself with out-going Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Has he not read Guido? What kind of politician doesn't read Guido?

Opting out

This morning I was trying to think of example reasons for why you'd want to opt out of having your medical records in the NHS's database thing, and whilst I could come up with many theoretical hypotheses, the only concrete examples I could come up with was the possibility of your details being leaked or lost or left on a hard disk on a train along with a few hundred thousand other people's details.

Its not really that convincing, cos in such a case there would be a few hundred thousand other people in the same boat and there'd be a case for some kind of class act.

However, via Dizzy Thinks, we find that Greenwich Council are cross referencing their payrole records with council tax and housing records to see if any of their own staff owes them any money. They have to inform the staff that they're doing such a thing.

Its probably not quite what the council employees had in mind when they took up their jobs, that their employer would be seeking out new and exciting ways of extracting money from them.

So aye, at some point in the future, the NHS could decide to mine their records for anything that could be used to extract more money from you, which is why its wise to opt out.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Grand Union Canal Walks

Yesterday my attractive young ladyfriend and I took a long stroll down the the towpath of the Grand Union Canal, our walk took us from Alperton to Portabello. it was about 8.5 miles in total and the weather was grand.

The moomin at the Grand Junction Arms

Our first rest stop was at the Grand Junction Arms, a nice canalside pub with a large beer garden. I drank an ale called Tribute which was exceptionally nice, and my ladyfriend too a pint of cola.

A few miles further on we noticed through a gap in a fence, a wonderful derelict office block.

IDerelict office block

It must have been a fine place to work in its time, but now most of the windows were smashed and the litter strewn around gave the place a post-apocalyptic feel.

Derelict office block

We were too afeared to explore far inside the building, I could hear running water, and the graffiti suggested that local rapscallions frequented the place.

Derelict office block

Soon we continued on our way.

The river wild life was interesting, all the birds building their nests, from wee terns bobbing along with their mouths full of twigs, to herons such as this on, regally fussing over their estates.


I couldn't stop thinking about dinner, all the visual cues were whispering to me "roast duck", although I'm not sure that these were the eating kind.


How can Labour not win?

I could be a little late on this, but there was a big old fuss the other week general electionland after the first Leaders Debate where the LibDems got a bounce, became the most popular party and still ended up the third biggest party in parliament.

Folk were asking, or more like demonstrating how Labour could come third in the popular vote but still be the biggest party. The BBC's Election Seat Calculation proved its worth, but its missing something.

In the Euro elections the other years, UKIP came out of nowhere and trounced Labour, but they're nowhere to be seen in this General Election. Maybe they'll get some seats, just one or two, maybe they get a few more. Maybe the media has got it wrong, this isn't a three horse race, and we're got the rainbow of political parties and coalitions is going to be the only way forward from now on.

Anyhoo, here's the Election Seat Calculator showing how Labour could come fourth in the popular vote and still be the biggest party.

The 'Other' segement could easily contain a larger party like UKIP or the Greens, or one of those regional parties. If that's not clear evidence of the need for electoral reform, I dunno what is. Although in my own naive way, I reckon its just a case of balancing constituency sizes a wee bit, and just the Electoral Commission needing to get their act together.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Ashamed of something in Brent North

The letterbox in my new house fills up daily, never stuff for me, just junk mail, stuff for previous residents and those election leaflets.

I glance at the candidates, read what they have to offer, and chuck the leaflet in the bin. It wasn't until a few moment ago that I discovered my incumbent MP was Barry Gardiner, he's been the Labour MP round here since 1997.

Which is odd cos I thought he was standing as an independent, his leaflet says nothing about which party he belongs to.

Is he ashamed of being the Labour candidate?

Maybe it doesn't matter which party he belongs to, he's his own man, able to make his own choices in parliament. Its possible, but sadly this isn't the case. According to The Public Whip website, in the past 13 years, he's only voted against the whip 13 times, out of 2601 votes.

So, after supporting Labour policies in the House of Commons 99.5% of the time he's now trying to hide the fact that he's the Labour candidate

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Blogging elsewhere

So I'm ensconced in a new house,with a huge garden, and I've been avoiding looking for a new job by gardening. Well, I say gardening, what I mean is hacking away at brambles, making fences and digging holes.

Its thrilling stuff, so much so that I've started a new blog to write about my gardening adventures.

Its called The Wumble of Wembley

Please add it to your feedreadery things if you like it.

Its got to be said though, it probably won't last long, I'm going to be evicted again in a few weeks, so I'm trying to make the most of it whilst I can.

Its damned inconvenient being made homeless. Being skint and unemployed isn't helping either.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

The volcanic double-dip

I'm in the staff canteen hearing how the airport cafe orders have been cancelled until Tuesday. A manager mentioned the problem suppliers are going to have with bringing fresh produce into the UK. If your fruit and veg only has two day's shelf life, then its gone now

Losing three day's worth of business in a month, how many companies will it plunge into bankruptsy? A couple more than would otherwise go under.

Its like with the snows of February, losing 10% of your monthly business ain't gonna healthy. Sure its not the whole economy, but its some proportion and its going to make a difference.
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Saturday, 17 April 2010

iPod Daleks

I can't say I'm that impressed with the latest episode of Doctor Who, not quite naff, but getting there.

Even last week I was put off with the idea of a historical figure phoning up the Doctor for an urgent/non-urgent thing, that just didn't happen in Doctor Who, its the sort of thing an American who'd never seen the program would suggest, ten minutes into a brain-storming session.

It doesn't even make sense, historical figures know about the Doctor and have his phone number, but somehow don't remember the daleks. Someone's crossed the timestreams.

Anyhoo, the new daleks, now available in colours to match your iPod, how very 2010.

Sure, I accept the unsurpressed need to redesign all the monsters for every series, it worked for the cybermen, but somehow the design process for these new daleks in just uninspired.

Sure, they're bigger and sleeker than their older cousins, but they're thundering hulks, rather than anything sinister, and they have a hump back.

I would have preferred more variations on a theme like the old Rememberance of the Daleks heavy weapons Dalek, or the glass Dalek. More of that sort of thing please.

Besides all the ones in this evening's episode seemed a bit rattley, they'd shake when they were talking, and wobbly when they moved. That's just not right. If the Doctor can fend them off with a jammy dodger, surely he can point out that they're made of plastic with a wee man inside pedaling a tricycle.

Like this...

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Status Update

Well, I'm serving out my last two days in this job, doing it as well as I can. Still don't know everyone's names, but being polite seems to help. Its just a shame my French, Portugese, Polish, Indian etc isn't quite good enough to converse with Wembley natives.

I have acquired keys to a new place to live. Its a bit big, three bedrooms, all freshly painted and carpeted, and whilst the garden is a good half acre, its all overgrown with brambles. I'm rather surprised at the size considering its in the shadow of Wembley stadium.

After three trips last night, I've got half my possessions moved over. Its lucky I opted for mobile broadband rather than a plumbed in internet connection. Alas I haven't had time to really engage with the latest doings of the blogosphere, politics and Libertarianism. I don't even know if I'll have the TV set up for the leaders debate this evening.

There's not much by way of a bed yet. A stained mattress we found in the garden will have to make do until I can gaffertape the double mattress from my old flat to the roof of my Smart car or somehow acquire an inflatable one.

I can't promise a flatwarming party yet, no one would come anyway, and the new job search is still on the starting blocks, but other than that, the sun's shining.
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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Return of The West Wing

It may go down in legend, the Libertarian leader's second TV perfomance, so appalling that he tendered his resignation shortly afterward. Aye, Chris Mounsey was interviewed on The Politics Show and fell apart.

I read about it on Twitter before I saw it, mostly comisserations and shoulder patting comments. I wondered what had gone wrong and how to stop that sort of disaster reoccurring. I thought back to The West Wing, the occasional episodes where the president is practising for debates and stuff with his team firing difficult questions at him, the critiquing his responses.

Would that save the UK Libertarian Party?

It was my girlfriend who suggested a spokesman was needed. Rather than our dear leader, who's skills lie in policy, blogging and CSS, a spokesman who can do interviews and stuff.

How about The West Wing gang, with speech writers and press secretaries. Folk who can program our dear leader with snappy answers that are correct, convincing and just a little bit Devilish.

"You or your researcher seem to be confusing my personal views with that of the party I represent, its a subtle difference, get used to it."

"I feel I can write whatever I please on my personal blog, its freedom of speech, are you just jealous that you can't speak your mind on the BBC?"

"Road travel is increasing, road deaths are decreasing, how much more do you want your freedoms curtailed? We say no more."

"Our membership is doubling every year at time when the more mainstream party's membership is falling. Ask me that question again next election."
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Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Drink driving with the Libertarians

Our dear leader, Chris Mounsey of the Liberatian party, was on telly, in the audience on Nicky Campbell's Big Question show. The fifteen minute discussion was about whether to get rid of drink driving laws. He was a bit crap, and unable to articulate his points as clearly as either his missus who was also in the audience or the frothing at the mouth righteous folk wanting absolute bans.

There was a lady who son was killed by a gentleman doing 80mph in the wrong lane whilst over the limit, she wanted to change the law, lower the limit and increase the punishments.

Whilst the drunk driver who killed the lady's son was breaking the law, but criminalising thousands of people who didn't kill her son seems a bit spiteful.

Furthermore, road deaths are at their lowest ever, maybe they have bottomed out, maybe they haven't, but think about that. Currently one fifth of road deaths are caused by drunk drivers, these people are already breaking the law, ineffect, the law can't effect this fifth. In the four fifths of 'sober' road deaths there will be people who've had some alcohol but not enough to be over the limit. If the alcohol limit is lowered, then more sober deaths become alcohol deaths. The number of alcohol deaths rise.

Maybe this is a good thing.

Superstition, its where you think some people naturally have bad luck, or are haunted, they've displeased some god or some spirit, and to end their bad luck they need to make an offering or pray, or not build the new flats on the ancient burial ground. Whatever, you can do something, rather than be helpless, at the mercy of fate, you can pay the witch doctor. Futile, it may be, but its something.

So, by attributing more of the random and accidental road fatalities to alcohol, you can tighten up the drink driving sentences. It won't affect the number of road deaths, but it appeases the superstitious.

And if you're lucky, jury nullification will take care of any miscarriages.

What will lead to a decline in road deaths? Weel, that's just going to happen all by itself. Cars are designed safer, softer, less sharp edges, more collapsable shells. And with the price of petrol people can no longer afford to drive.

Actually, I've had a look at all the wonder stats and graphs from the Office of National Statistics. You can see from the road deaths graph that every time new drink driving legislation is brought in, road deaths come down. So, it does work and my arguments to shit.

On the other hand, the number of miles travelled in total by the ever growing UK population has been growing steadily year on year as road deaths have been falling.

So, ignoring the warblings of authoritarians, since road deaths aren't increasing, do you want your freedoms curtailed any more than they already are or not? Do you want to criminalise a load of people who currently engaged in risky behaviour, but are currently not criminals?
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The plan

The plan is thus
* Acquire boxes
* Pack up everything into boxes or bin bags for the clothes
* Dismantle bookcases and tables
* Find somewhere to live
* Move my stuff there
* Find a job with decent hours
* Get the job my being better than the other candidates
* Eat cake and pie
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Monday, 12 April 2010

Moving quickly

Bah,I just wrote a big long blog post about drink driving laws and stuff re: Devil's Kitchen on TV, and concluded with a wee falsifyable bit, about what the graphs of roads deaths would look like if I was right or wrong. Then when I checked it out, I was wrong.

It would be cool to tie up a graph of the past hundred and eleven years of road deaths with the past hundred and eleven years of drink driving legislation, to see what difference which laws have made. But alas, I don't have the time.

Yesterday I handed in my notice at work. I can't stand my job, the getting up at 4:30am, forty minute walk in every morning and home again, the way it just keeps getting harder and at any moment you can be reprimanded for some forgotten form filled in wrong weeks before, the lack of two way communication with management, and so on, its just crushing.

Also I got a call from my letting agent, I'm to be evicted on Friday and the block of flats be demolished soon after.

This time next week, I shall, once more, be unemployed and homeless.
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Sunday, 11 April 2010

VoteMatch Trends

The jury's still out on how biased VoteMatch is. Its this website, you answers your questions and based on policies and your priorities it tells you which parety is your best match in teh general election.

After reading Mark Pack's piece about polling, I thought I have a look at how VoteMatch fares over time on Twitter, checking out which parties people are saying VoteMatch recommends for them.

Looks like Twitter folk like teh LibDems.

Efficiency savings

What surprises me in the course of the UK government's financial crisis and the election campaigns, is how the efficiency savings and forthcoming budget cuts are perceived as so difficult.

The other day, dropped in to a BBC election piece, was a line about how 'senior Whitehall officials' were meeting to look at how they could achieve the Tory's planned £6,000,000,000 savings. This was portrayed as news.

Now I've worked mostly in the private sector all my adult life, with occasion temping forays into the public sector, and I'm wondering why efficiency savings aren't standard procedure. Why doesn't every single member of the public sector payroll find themselves every month or every week in a team meeting with their colleagues where their team leader/manager asks "how can we do our jobs quicker, more efficiently, more easily and for less money?"

And then as a result of this productivity increases, efficiency improves and costs come down. And additionally there's a big heap of ideas for how to save time and money that are never acted on for unspecified reasons of hassle but when belt-tightening time comes along, can easily be 'actioned'.

Doesn't this happen?

It sure happens in the private sector, its how companies stay in business and make profits. Its not a difficult thing, in fact its incredibly satisfying.

I guess there are quarters of the public sector where some private sector manager has wandered in by mistake and such efficiency meetings do take place. But why isn't it standard practise?

Why does the government make out like its like trying to get blood from a stone?
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Saturday, 10 April 2010

Texting at the wheel

This morning I'm thinking that the introducing of the ban on using mobile phones whilst driving just show the government and legislature's contempt for the British people.

I awake hungover, slowly pull my grunts on and make the long trek to my attractive young ladyfriend's house for breakfast, still too to drive, the weather makes for a pleasant walk.

To my left the traffic is moving sluggishly. About 80% of the drivers are texting or chatting on their phones. I count fifty or so until I lose count.

The government has it that these people are criminals, lawbreakers, its only a matter of time before they are caught or there's an accident.

Sure, at some point in the last ten years, lobbyists and campaigners pursuaded the politicians that 'something had to be done'.

Yes, normality and criminality have overlapped to no end.
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Thursday, 8 April 2010

Why's petrol expensive?

The BBC have a nice graphic to cover the story of petrol reaching a new high

So, fuel duty is about half of the price. Bear in mind that Fuel Duty is entirely within the control of the British government. Whilst the wholesale cost is at the mercy of OPEC and the dollar/sterling exchange rate, the majority of the high price is because of the government.

At any moment they could cut fuel duty if only the government didn't pish so much money up the wall. They get £26,000,000,000 from fuel duty, about 6% of the £400,000,000,000 total estimated tax receipts for 2010.


Saturday, 3 April 2010

Is VoteMatch biased?

eeeh,that Iain Dale, he had a blogpost about a site called VoteMatch, you answers yer questions and it tells you who you should vote for. That Iain Dale reckons its a bit biased.
I have taken their test five times now. Four out of the five times I came out decidedly UKIP. It was only when I took it and pretended to be David Cameron that I came out majority Conservative. Even then it was touch and go. I wonder if other Conservatives have found the same.

If you go through the questions, of course there are overlaps between parties, but it seems to be that some answers may have been incorrectly weighted. Even when I answered the test giving what I would call "mainstream Conservative" answers, I still come out as marginally UKIP.
I reckoned it was a bit bias too, me and the missus are at different ends of the political spectrum, but we ended up with similar results. So I gets onto Twitter and mouthed off about it, and a few moments later I get a response from @VoteMatch.

They suggested I searched Twitter to see what other people were reporting. So I did and I made me a pie chart of the last fews day's worth of people who took the test and then posted on Twitter.

Looks like its not particularly biased towards UKIP, if anything it would be biased towards the Lib Dems, or possibly there are more Lib Dems on Twitter than in real life.

I get Iain Dale's thing about conservative space being more weighted towards UKIP than the Conservatives. But on the other hand, they did mighty well in the last EU elections, maybe it is that sort of proportion this time round too.

You see on VoteMatch, you get to chose which parties you're likely to consider voting and which you aren't, which is why hardly anyone reports that VoteMatch suggested the BNP or Labour, cos very few people who are one Twitter would consider voting for those parties, but most Tories would at least consider UKIP.

Days pass, its Monday now, and I'm still checking twitter for updates about VoteMatch and building up a pie chart using Google's graphs API.

I know, ts crazy, Labour are in fourth place.

However there are entertaining grumbles on Twitter,

rather neatly slapped down by @VoteMatch themselves.

So is there a neat way of quantifying how reliable each party is at following up its own manifesto policies and pledges? Or just messy ways that involve wading through dozens of parliamentary votes?

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Blog Stat Pron - March

Good evening and welcome to my irregular start of the month look at the previous month's blog traffic stats review. According to google analytics, for March, this blog got:-
1,503 Absolute Unique Visitors
2,413 Pageviews
Compared to February's
1,336 Absolute Unique Visitors
2,229 Pageviews
Well, Absolutes are up a massive 170, total Pageviews up by almost 200, I think I've set myself a new record for days when the blog's had more than 100 views in a day, sure it mostly due to one rather popular post I did in February which google seems to love, but its all fair game.

Statcounter reckons I had 2,305 Unique Visitors, and an average of 92 pageloads per day, down 6 from last month. Still not quite breaching the 100 ppd barrier, but getting better man. Maybe next month.

Here are the metrics of of my RSS feeds on various feed readers:
26 subscribers - GoogleReader (same as last month)
4 subscribers - Bloglines (same as last month)
8 followers - Blogger (same as last month)
Boring, same as last month, why do I even bother?

These are my top referrers for March (not including google wanderers)
1. Facebook - 138 visitors (216 friends)
2. Twitter - 52 visitors (174 followers)
3. UK Bubble - 42 visitors
4. Mark Wadsworth - 26 visitors
5. Wikio - 12 visitors
6. Hootsuit - 11 visitors
7. Another Form Of Relief - 6 visitors
8. Liberal-Vision - 6 visitors
9. Quick as Rainbows - 6 visitors
10. Club Baby Honey - 5 visitors
Lets take a brief moment to consider which were the most viewed posts during March.
1. The Holly Greig Story - 589 views
2. What Have I gotten myself into - the TFTA scam - 91 views
3. Origami flapping bird animation - 69 views
4. Death Disco - 64 views
5. Project Streetview Racing - 36 views
6. Bookcase Dreams - 30 views
7. Impending Doom of 6Music - 30 views
8. Brent Central PPCs - 26 views
9. Some Videos to Watch - 25 views
10. Does Shisha Kill - 24 views
The top five most popular posts that I wrote in March were:-
1. Death Disco - 64 views
2. Brent Central PPCs - 26 views
3. Some Videos to Watch - 25 views
4. Latest Dirt on Brent Central PPCs - 24 views
5. Dancing in the Street - 15 views
That's it belatedly for March's stat pron, until next time, take care space cadets.